
I thought I would start a blog so you can follow my adventures while I travel through South East Asia and work in South Korea for the next year. I'll try and make weekly post, but I cannot make any promises. I think this is a great way to keep in touch and it's another way to feel closer to my family and friends.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tiger Temple

The Tiger Temple was something else! These tigers are born into the Tiger Temple and are not wild or were never born in the wild, so they are completely tamed. However, they do have natural instincts like every other animal has, so you have to make precautions. These tigers sleep about 18 hours a day, so similar to a teenager and then do exercises and games the remaining time. Just to be in the presence of the tigers was remarkable and then be able to walk a tiger was nerve-racking but exciting. Having all these emotions run through me was definitely an out of body experience that can't be explained through words, but through experience only.


  1. Pat, That MUST have been such an adrenaline rush!

    1. Dave, lets just say if that Tiger would have made a move, I would need a new pair of shorts! Yes, it was awesome!
