
I thought I would start a blog so you can follow my adventures while I travel through South East Asia and work in South Korea for the next year. I'll try and make weekly post, but I cannot make any promises. I think this is a great way to keep in touch and it's another way to feel closer to my family and friends.

Friday, February 3, 2012

NOOO! I don't want to buy a SUIT!!

Ok, if you have time and money to buy a suit when you're on vacation, I highly recommend getting a custom made suit in Asia. They're cheap but done with high quality. If it wasn't for the fact that suit stores are like fast food restaurants, which means they're everywhere!! So it does get old when they harass you every time when you walk by, especially when I go past them then turn around and past them again. Do they not recognize me?

Suit Guy: "My friend, can I ask you a question?"
Me: "No, I don't want to buy a suit!"
Suit Guy: Speechless

However, I found some humor out of it and I turn the tables and try to sell them a suit. I'm 0 for 8 so far, but I have a feeling a big sale is coming up! Any advice?

No Suit for YOU!!

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