
I thought I would start a blog so you can follow my adventures while I travel through South East Asia and work in South Korea for the next year. I'll try and make weekly post, but I cannot make any promises. I think this is a great way to keep in touch and it's another way to feel closer to my family and friends.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Long neck village.

I signed up for an all day tour than included 5 tribal villages. The history behind these tribes are that they are all different but are all refugees from Myanmar (Burma) & Tibet. They are now living in Thailand as illegals and earn money from tourism. The government would ask them to leave but they like how they attract tourist, which brings in money to Thailand. (Maybe the U.S government can feed off this tactic?)

The main tribe I will focus on is the Karen and their significance are their long necks. Only women wear the rings and usually start wearing the rings around age 5. They view the rings as being beautiful and elegant on a women. Every 5 years they had on a ring and the way they make an addition can be quite painful. The first step is molding the ring to the right size and has to be heated up in the fire, then slowly bended to the right fit. The next step, connect the ends together which is the painful part. The rings are still hot and it's almost compared to welding the two ends together to complete the circle. This is all done with close contact to the skin and their is always burn scars to prove it.

Without the rings! 
My new look with rings. These rings can weigh up to 35 pounds! Imagine the heat on these babies...burn!!

Cutest girl in the world. After a certain age they decide if they want the rings or not.
Mom works and dad stays home. Since women are the bread winners in the tribal group, mainly of their unique look and knitting skills, the men are the stay at home dads. The men are the care takers of the house and their duties include: playing with the kids, cleaning the house, and making the meals.

Another tribe. These women will try and sell you stuff all day.  You can say they are "persistent", but that's a nice way of saying it!

Children offering me food. I declined politely.
The stay at home dad taking care of his two kids while mommy works all day to feed the family.


I did the Elephant trek in Chiang Mai, Thailand, which was really fun. Great ride and got to see some cool tricks from the Elephants.

Eating bananas.

View from the top of the elephant.

Nice little head stand!

Some lady get stepped and sucked on at the same time. Usually if you have to pay extra for that kind of service.

My new friend!

A leap of faith.

Lets just say rules or safety regulations don't apply in the Vietnam Ferry system. We purchased a ticket, but because we're foreigners we pay ten fold the price of a Vietnamese person and your ticket doesn't guarantee one's place on the boat...strange...I know. When arriving at the Ferry, our negotiator is supposed to bribe the boat captain to let us on the boat...(sketchy) then after so many minutes they point at you and wave you in like they're some bouncer at a hollywood club letting you in. One just hopes they are cool enough to be accepted onto the boat, however, this does NOT mean first class. They hand you...how can I put this so you can best visualize? Ok, it would be most similar to a bathroom baby step! No joke. This is what you sit on for an 1 hour 30 minutes, but they tell you the boat ride takes 45 minutes. Pretty much just double everything in time when you're in Vietnam.

Captain of the boat for about 15 minutes.

Our boat to the Island. 300 people on the boat and maybe 150 life jackets.


Leaving the Island. Our seats were at the front of the boat on the outside.
On our way back to the mainland we had to go through the same fiasco. Negotiate. Bribe. Pray. Well this time did not go as smoothly! Since it was the last day of the Chinese New Year it was a little bit more hectic. More people less room for seats. Minutes seemed like hours after standing and waiting to be accepted onto the boat, then all of a sudden the workers start to detach the boat from the dock. Panic mode sets in! "What is going on here? I have a ticket!" No response. Finally, they point at me, grab my ticket, but not before you have to make a two foot leap to get on. I turn around for my friend and he's not on the boat. At this time the boat starts getting further and further from the dock. Each inch we drifted away seemed like another foot. Panic mode sets in, again! "My friends still not on!" No response. All of a sudden he just makes a four foot leap onto the boat right in front of the Captain and then people starting applauding his bravery. I thought the Captain would have just stiffed armed him back into the Ocean? Guess not. This might be the last time I travel through Asia during the Chines New Year!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

NOOO! I don't want to buy a SUIT!!

Ok, if you have time and money to buy a suit when you're on vacation, I highly recommend getting a custom made suit in Asia. They're cheap but done with high quality. If it wasn't for the fact that suit stores are like fast food restaurants, which means they're everywhere!! So it does get old when they harass you every time when you walk by, especially when I go past them then turn around and past them again. Do they not recognize me?

Suit Guy: "My friend, can I ask you a question?"
Me: "No, I don't want to buy a suit!"
Suit Guy: Speechless

However, I found some humor out of it and I turn the tables and try to sell them a suit. I'm 0 for 8 so far, but I have a feeling a big sale is coming up! Any advice?

No Suit for YOU!!

I survived the Saigon Motor Bikes

If you're a little scared of crossing the street in downtown Minneapolis, I don't think you can do it Saigon. It's pretty much you just start walking and the motor bikes will avoid you. I don't know how it works but it just does. Forget about any traffic laws that pertain in the States because here in Saigon it's more of "Just try and avoid each other".

Ankgor Wat

Ankgor Wat is just North of the city Siem Reap, Cambodia. It's one of the largest religious buildings in the world and you might recognize it from Tomb Raider. The Cambodians may only know one American and that's Angelina Jolie. It was a blast going and seeing how something could be built with precise perfection in symmetry....Aliens? Just a thought for all you conspiracy people!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tiger Temple

The Tiger Temple was something else! These tigers are born into the Tiger Temple and are not wild or were never born in the wild, so they are completely tamed. However, they do have natural instincts like every other animal has, so you have to make precautions. These tigers sleep about 18 hours a day, so similar to a teenager and then do exercises and games the remaining time. Just to be in the presence of the tigers was remarkable and then be able to walk a tiger was nerve-racking but exciting. Having all these emotions run through me was definitely an out of body experience that can't be explained through words, but through experience only.